Come learn more about the Wan Fambul Framework at the UNGA

Catalyst for Peace and the Government of Sierra Leone are working with the International Peace Institute to offer a side event about the Wan Fambul National Framework for Inclusive Governance and Rural Development at the United Nations General Assembly this month.

“An Agenda for the People by the People: Consolidating Peace and Advancing Development in Sierra Leone” will be held on September 27 at 8am at IPI’s Trove Lie Center for Peace, Security and Development. The event will feature key figures behind the creation and implementation of the Framework, a joint initiative of Catalyst for Peace, the Sierra Leonean civil society organization Fambul Tok, and the Government of Sierra Leone. The Framework builds on processes for locally-led problem solving and development that have been co-created with communities in Sierra Leone over the last decade. In thousands of villages across the country, these processes spark individual and communal energy, tap into imagination, and identify and mobilize resources to create inclusive spaces that allow people to lead not just in name but in practice.

Our featured speakers are: 

Ms. Francess Piagie Alghali, Minister of State for the Office of the Vice President, Government of Sierra Leone 
Mr. Mohammed Ibn Chambas
, Special Representative of the Secretary-General 
Mr. John Caulker, Executive Director of Fambul Tok International 
Ms. Libby Hoffman, Founder and President of Catalyst for Peace 
Dr. Francis M. Kai-Kai, Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Government of Sierra Leone 
Mr. Tamba Lamina
, Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Government of Sierra Leone 
Ms. Jimena Leiva Roesch
, Senior Fellow, International Peace Institute

The panel will reflect on what has been accomplished in Sierra Leone and what this approach could mean for the region and the world.

This event is part of CFP’s commitment to growing global learning on peace and development from the inside out.

The event is open to the public but requires advanced registration.


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