Since we are unable to offer financial support to directly fund team participation in the event in Sierra Leone, we have assembled some documents that we thought could be helpful in your fundraising efforts.
CP2 Fundraising FAQs: This document presents some questions you can expect from potential funders and some sample answers you could give. Please be advised that these are samples, so you will need to make adjustments for your specific context and for each funding partner you are approaching.
CP2 Fundraising Cover Letter: The cover letter is another tool you can use to approach funders and solicit their partnership, participation, and/or support. It is supplied in .doc form so you can make easy edits to it–add your organizational letterhead, provide the details of your specific ask, etc.
Formal Invitation Letter: This is available upon request and could be useful if you need to provide proof of invitation. Otherwise, you may wish to submit the Constellating Peace 2.0 Concept Note along with your Draft Cover Letter.
If you have any other needs that are not represented here, please reach out and let us know. We are unable to provide direct support but would be glad to provide tools to encourage your progress.